Why Apple And Google Removed ITP Crop? 2023

The real reason Google and Apple removed ITP Crop from their programs is because of the illegal aspects of ITP, so the justification for keeping them is completely false.

What is ITP Crop?

ITP Crop, which is a Ponzi scheme, claims that it uses digital currencies to optimise members and offers an affiliate program to its members. This company is also known as Intelligent Technology Pioneer Corporation. Lately, the news of the downfall of this company has reached everyone’s ears, and as we mentioned in the previous post, all users’ ‘ Withdrawals have been blocked by this company.

We have already told you about the deception and lies of ITP Crop, now in this post we will check how this company was removed from the App Store and Play Store.

ITP Crop is removed by Apple and Google

 Both Apple and Google removed the ITP Crop application from their stores in November 2023 and September 2023, respectively. As Apple tries to protect its customers, it made this decision after hearing the news of the fall and knowing the danger for customers from ITP Crop, and for these reasons, Google also showed a similar reaction.

 After removing the app from app and play store ITP Crop shared this adamant: “To better meet the needs of ITP business development, we hereby upgrade and modernise the IOS system terminal, which we solemnly notify all IOS system terminal users.”

And after that it was the Notification on google To provide a better experience for Android users, ITP technical department will carry out a full range of updates and upgrades on the Android OS. During this period, new Android users should first use the web version. It is expected that this update will be completed within 10 working days, at that time, ITP will restart the Google Play Store search function again. In this way, if you cause inconvenience, please understand!”

Their Irrational Justification 

As we know, ITP company gave similar justifications both times when its app was removed from the Play and App stores. This company claimed that their software has been stopped for updating and maintenance, which were basically not justifications but excuses for defrauding users. It is worth mentioning that if a company wants to update its software or make any kind of changes in it, there will be no harm to the users and they can still use the app. But the ITP Crop software was the opposite of this truth.

After the platform’s software was released, ITP tried again. They re-uploaded the software in an updated form with incorrect details, but Google immediately took action and removed it again, which ended the cycle after a while. We know that this pan ITP Crop is not, but in the near future, other agencies will be against this company and ITP Crop will be completely destroyed.

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